MONC in English

Lots of interesting facts

Here at monc, a lot of interesting information has been gathered. Hopefully you will find something that appeals to you here. No matter which topic you are interested in. Our intention is to build something really good here so that everyone can find something they are interested in, as long as they have the same interests as us.


You can, among other things, read about time travels. In the kitchen, lots of different ingredients have been collected that can fit well in your digital cooking. If you are interested in a slide show made entirely of HTML and JavaScript, I recommend the Galleria which is exactly this, you will find info on how things work here. What do we have more to offer you may be wondering, then I will have to ask to present Tripoli which is a project to give a uniform result for CSS in different web browsers, if you want an introduction, you can find it here.

You may be more interested in making your own slide show or how to render special characters in different ways depending on language? You can also find information about scalable buttons among many other things here on the page and a demo on this here and here is an update to the code for the buttons.

If you are interested in the font Avant Garde then you will find it here. Maybe you want to know how to handle old-fashioned HTML4 code? If you want to know more about how the values ​​are inherited in CSS, you can read more about this guide. You will find much information about CSS on this page. If you need more knowledge about how colors work online, you can find it here. Maybe you want to reset all CSS in your browser before you start designing your website? If so, check here for practical code.

If you like to code in JavaScript then you probably already know jQuery. In this guide you get 8 practical tips on how to become a better programmer in this framework. You will find a little bit more in jQuery here about preventing objects from blinking on the page as here.

Apple has special designs for their things. Whether you like this or not, you can get the corresponding results on your own pages.

Using H1 the right way

Using <h1> the right way

Smashing Magazine publishes something called 35 WebDesigners – 5 Questions, which is basically a collection of handy tip for CSS

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HTML5 versus HTML4

Anne van Kesteren har written a great article at W3C about what differences we might expect between HTML4 and the

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”> <html> <head> <title>Rendering Quotes Example</title> <meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″> <meta http-equiv=”imagetoolbar” content=”false”> <meta

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Rendering Quotes – CSS

The W3C recommends that visual user agents render quotation marks according to the specified language attribute, since many languages adopt

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